SSES Annual Congress 2021: Welcome

The Department of Economics at the University of Zürich welcomes all participants of the 2021 Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES/SGVS) on June 10 (Thursday) and June 11 (Friday), 2021. The Congress will take place online via Zoom. Two keynote lectures on the topic of "Digital transformation" are given by Cristina Caffarra (CRA) and Hal Varian (Google).

We are grateful to the program committee: Giacomo De Giorgi, Volker Grossmann, Samuel Häfner, Dominik Hangartner, Roland Hodler, Mario Jametti, Marko Köthenbürger, Sarah Marit Lein, Blaise Melly, Michele Pellizzari, Dominic Rohner, Alois Stutzer, Mathias Thoenig, and Martina Viarengo who reviewed, in addition to the local committee members, both the 2020 and the 2021 submissions.

We are also grateful to our sponsors, in particular the Department of Economics, the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences , the UBS Center for Economics in Society and the UZH Digital Society Initiative.

We think that a very interesting program has been put together. We wish you a successful conference and hope for a fruitful exchange of knowledge and intensive discussions despite of the online-format.

The local organizing committee

Rainer Winkelmann (Chair), David Dorn, Florian Scheuer, Marek Pycia, Ulrich Woitek.

SSES Congress 2021 poster